Q & A with DG CARGO
- 광고에 진심인 어느…24.09.144fw5iw41h
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- 골프카트용 배터리팩…24.09.09송재호
- Re: 골프카트용 …24.09.10디지카고
- 위험물 fcl 컨테…24.09.09오유정
- Re: 위험물 fc…24.09.10디지카고
DG Cargo Media
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with trustworthy DG Cargo
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DG Handling
The Overseas Sales Team, which is exporting chemicals to Vietnam, Manager, Mr. Oh was informed that the branch was suddenly denied imports during customs clearance.
For some of the items, he was informed the safety matter that had to deal with. If it does not submit clear import data as soon as possible, they may have received confiscation of cargo or the possibility of imposing fines.
Urgently work with DG CARGO experts to clarify this matter, and could prepare clear data then check for legitimate dangerous goods container inspection, container loading plans.
After that, will expeditiously carry out customs clearance and fortunately, the facility line can now be reactivated.
For some of the items, he was informed the safety matter that had to deal with. If it does not submit clear import data as soon as possible, they may have received confiscation of cargo or the possibility of imposing fines.
Urgently work with DG CARGO experts to clarify this matter, and could prepare clear data then check for legitimate dangerous goods container inspection, container loading plans.
After that, will expeditiously carry out customs clearance and fortunately, the facility line can now be reactivated.
20, Gammun-ro, Seo-gu, Incheon, Republic of Korea